The Color Analysis Training Course is designed for individuals, businesses, and professionals in the beauty and fashion industry.
Color analysis is a topic of growing interest and is essential for providing comprehensive and highly qualified services to clients.
The course accurately covers the foundations of image consulting, providing you with solid tools to excel in your current profession or build the foundation of your career as an image consultant.
What You Will Learn
Cosa imparerai
- Importance of colors
- Historical overview
- Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors
- The color wheel
- Color theory
- Color analysis: the seasons
- Subgroups
- Tips to recognize each season
- Choosing makeup, hair color, and clothing
- Building a capsule wardrobe in a palette
How It Works
The course can be conducted both online and in-person on dates agreed upon based on the client’s needs. It is organized into two modules: Basic Color Analysis and Advanced Color Analysis, held on two separate days with the following schedule:
Basic Color Analysis – Day 1 10:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:00
Advanced Color Analysi 10.00-13.00 / 14.00-17.00
What’s IncludeD
- Certificate of participation
- Digital handbook
- 1 month of tutoring via email
650,00 € + IVA (the price is intended for a single module)
Consultation locations:
- Bologna, Piazza dei Tribunali, 5
- Cividale del Friuli (Udine), Studio Pascolini, Galleria De Rubeis, 29-Corso Mazzini